Microneedling Pre & Post Care
Prior To Appointment
1 week before:
Discontinue all topical products containing Tretinoin (Retin-A), Retinols, Retinoids, Glycolic/Lactic Acid, Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA/BHA), Vitamin C, Any anti-aging or active ingredient products.
DO NOT ingest blood thinning medications such as Aspirin , Ibuprofen, Aleve , Tylenol or Advil.
Stop using blood thinners 2-4 days prior treatment
*If you have a cardiovascular history, please check with your doctors prior to stopping the use of blood thinners.*Avoid herbal supplements such as (they are blood thinners)
• Garlic , Fish oils , Vitamin E or Omega- 3 capsules.
Do not drink alcohol 24 hour before treatment.
Avoid sun exposure 24 hours prior to treatment.
Do not exfoliate 2-3 days before treatment.
Avoid laser or other treatments for 1 week prior to treatment.
Avoid chemical peels at least 2 weeks prior to treatment.
Stop using Accutane or similar medication 6 months prior treatment.
No electrolysis 5-7 days prior treatment.
AVOID BEFORE AND POST-TREATMENTBeaching , Waxing , Tweezing , Using hair removal creams, Sunburns, Shaving or Laser treatments.
If you have a history of Herpes or cold sores, a course of anti-viral medication before and after treatment is required
Active skin infection, Active Breakouts/Acne, Hives, Cold sores, Allergic reactions, Psoriasis, Eczema
Come to the clinic without make-up, creams, gel, or lotions on treatment areas.
Apply topical anesthetics 20-25 minuets to numb skin.
Once the treatment is complete, we will apply topical moisturizer and provide a post-op instructions sheet.
Client is responsible for bringing a hat, sunglasses and other forms of protection to hide from the sun/daylight because SPF is not recommended to use for a minimum of 3 days while the skin heals.
After Care
What to expect after your treatment:
Skin will be red for 2-4 days and slowly diminish completely depending on how quick your skins healing response is.
Fine lines and wrinkles can appear worse for the first few days after treatment due to the trans epidermal water loss caused by the treatment. Dryness of the skin is signs of healing which can also make the lines appear worse.
Your face may feel warm and very dry for the first couple days, you can sleep on your back to avoid any pressure on the face causing more inflammation.
Expect to feel rough, dry, flaking skin post treatment. Do not pick, exfoliate or touch skin.
Avoid using foaming cleansers or face wash because they dry your skin.
Do not touch treated areas for at least 12 hours, only touch face with clean hands afterwards.
Hot shower (steamy), Intense workouts (gym, running, hot yoga, yoga), Saunas, excessive sweating for a minimum of 3-5 days.
Swimming, hot tubs, ocean for a minimum of 7 days.
Avoid swimming in chlorine until you have fully healed.
Avoid SPF for 3 days.
Avoid makeup for 5-7 days.
Avoid direct daylight/sunshine.
Avoid picking and scratching at any flaking or scabbing skin.
Avoid exfoliation, AHA, BHA, Retinol, Retin-A, or any other active ingredients until you are fully healed.
Avoid Vitamin C for 4-6 days.
Avoid using foaming face wash or soap because they dry the skin.
Avoid using face products/serums/soaps/face wash/moisturizers that contains any Activeingredient or anti-aging solutions.
Reapply healing moisturizer as many times needed.
Change bedsheets and pillowcases to freshly washed ones when you arrive home after your treatment and change them frequently.
Sleep on your back to avoid pressure/inflammation to the skin.
Wash makeup brushes before using them again.
Avoid pets on the first few days to avoid bacteria from their dandruff or fur.
Every 4-6 weeks until your series of treatments is complete.
Prior To Appointment
Avoid any strong at-home facial treatments one week before your appointment.
Avoid excess sun exposure and wear SPF daily.
Must wait 7 days after receiving any neurotoxin, filler injections, wax or laser treatments on your face.
Avoid retinoids, Benzoyl Peroxide,AHA/BHAs, Glycolic, peel pads, and any other topical prescription facial products 3-5 days prior.
Are you getting your skin ready for a big event? If you've never had a facial before and don't know how your skin will respond, we recommend scheduling an appointment six weeks in advance with a follow-up appointment closer to your event date. This way you have time to address any negative skin reactions and get the maximum results from your service.
Don't have that much time? That's okay. Our experienced staff can recommend a service that will help you put your best face forward.
After Care
Avoid picking, touching, exfoliating your skin.
Skip the heavy makeup and aggressive skin-care products for at least 2 weeks. Allow your pores to breath after a facial.
Clean makeup brushes before using to help avoid any post facial breakouts.
Use a gentle, hydrating cleanser the rest of the week and skip any harsh astringents or peel pads.
Avoid gym and aggressive exercise for 24h, make your trip to the gym before your appointment to give your skin enough time to heal.
Increased heat can occur in the skin with sweating after facial treatment, causing irritation.
Avoid acne products and other at-home treatments (retinoids, home peels, AHA/BHAs, scrubs, enzymes) for the one week.
Stay out of the sun for a few days post facial and continue to wear sunscreen everyday while re-applying every 2h.
Postpone any wax or laser treatments on your face for 7 days.